Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Go, Gabbie Go!

Last season on "So You Think You Can Dance," we were introduced to the phenomenon that is "Sexy Back". For those of you who do not keep up with pop culture...Justin Timberlake, former Mousekateer (I have no idea how to spell that word...and at this time, I have not the inclination to research the correct spelling.) has a song that plays on all of the top 40 radio stations quite frequently that speaks of "bringing sexy back." Gabbie has adopted this song as her personal anthem since Justin does include her name in the song. (At least, in Gabbie's world he does!) The lyrics she repeats OFTEN are "I'm bringing sexy back, YEAH...and all the boys...that's a fact, YEAH...Go, Gabbie Go!" I'll not take the time to type out what the song REALLY says, but I will say there are a few bleeps along the way, so needless to say, it wasn't exactly meant to be an anthem for a four year old. However, this four year old believes Justin sang the song just for her. (Remember: One Charlotte, One Gabbie...alluding to a previous blog.)

One week ago this song enabled a paradoxical memory for me for which I am eternally grateful ...thanks, Timberlake! Gabbie had pink eye one day last week and went to work with me. We took the vital possessions any girl cannot go a day without: our purse stocked with makeup and lipstick, a backpack with our snack, a coloring book, a change of clothes and our tea party supplies, and of course our white blankie we've had since we were born. Gabbie endured the day like a champ. She even managed to get a little nap in under my desk, but it was not until we were leaving for the day that I was so vividly reminded how precious and hilariously sweet my baby is...all packed up and ready to leave, I saw my little red-headed bunny rolling down the hallway in her wheelchair, backpack connected securely to the back of the wheelchair, purse daintily hanging from the brake handle and white blankie in hand helping to propel the wheels forward while trailing the ground behind...the tune playing from the mouth of the babe..."I'm bringing sexy back, YEAH...and all the boys...and that's a fact, YEAH...Go, Gabbie, Go!" That was an image I'll never forget! I haven't done that laugh, cry thing in a really long time...thanks Gab...keep 'em coming!


Tiffany said...

I love love love watching Gabbie dance like only she can to music! Her spirit and attitude is just seeping out it wants to explode into the world so bad. Can't wait to see what her future holds. IT WILL BE GREATNESS!!!

AmyG said...

Just visualizing that makes me laugh! She is such a DIVA! Go, Gabbie Go!...You're beau-ti-fu-ul!!!